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Mount Baker Bicycle Club

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February, 2025

Meet in front of Trek Store
7:30 AM
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Saturday Donut Ride: 25 to 50 miles, race pace, departs from Trek Bellingham (formerly Kulshan Cycles), 7:30 am October through February, and 7 am March through September. Goes to Ferndale and return, or if you wish continue to Birch Bay and return. Get your weekend miles behind you before most people get out of bed on Saturday! This ride has been a Bellingham tradition forever. Every week of the year!! Local lore has it that this ride used to actually include eating donuts, but the donut shop closed. Better bring your own donut in your jersey.
Parking lot next to Depot Market, across from Boundary Bay Brewery.
6:00 PM
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The Wednesday Night Ride - on winter schedule: brisk trail ride WITH LIGHTS. Bring cyclocross or trail-ready bike! Appx. 90 minute ride.
Meet in front of Trek Store
7:30 AM
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Saturday Donut Ride: 25 to 50 miles, race pace, departs from Trek Bellingham (formerly Kulshan Cycles), 7:30 am October through February, and 7 am March through September. Goes to Ferndale and return, or if you wish continue to Birch Bay and return. Get your weekend miles behind you before most people get out of bed on Saturday! This ride has been a Bellingham tradition forever. Every week of the year!! Local lore has it that this ride used to actually include eating donuts, but the donut shop closed. Better bring your own donut in your jersey.
Maritime Heritage Park
10:00 AM
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Community organized bike swap second Sunday of each month at Maritime Heritage Park. More information on Instagram @bhambikeswap
Parking lot next to Depot Market, across from Boundary Bay Brewery.
6:00 PM
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The Wednesday Night Ride - on winter schedule: brisk trail ride WITH LIGHTS. Bring cyclocross or trail-ready bike! Appx. 90 minute ride.
Meet in front of Trek Store
7:30 AM
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Saturday Donut Ride: 25 to 50 miles, race pace, departs from Trek Bellingham (formerly Kulshan Cycles), 7:30 am October through February, and 7 am March through September. Goes to Ferndale and return, or if you wish continue to Birch Bay and return. Get your weekend miles behind you before most people get out of bed on Saturday! This ride has been a Bellingham tradition forever. Every week of the year!! Local lore has it that this ride used to actually include eating donuts, but the donut shop closed. Better bring your own donut in your jersey.
Parking lot next to Depot Market, across from Boundary Bay Brewery.
6:00 PM
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The Wednesday Night Ride - on winter schedule: brisk trail ride WITH LIGHTS. Bring cyclocross or trail-ready bike! Appx. 90 minute ride.
Meet in front of Trek Store
7:30 AM
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Saturday Donut Ride: 25 to 50 miles, race pace, departs from Trek Bellingham (formerly Kulshan Cycles), 7:30 am October through February, and 7 am March through September. Goes to Ferndale and return, or if you wish continue to Birch Bay and return. Get your weekend miles behind you before most people get out of bed on Saturday! This ride has been a Bellingham tradition forever. Every week of the year!! Local lore has it that this ride used to actually include eating donuts, but the donut shop closed. Better bring your own donut in your jersey.
Parking lot next to Depot Market, across from Boundary Bay Brewery.
6:00 PM
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The Wednesday Night Ride - on winter schedule: brisk trail ride WITH LIGHTS. Bring cyclocross or trail-ready bike! Appx. 90 minute ride.